Read this long
Read it thoroughly, it has tons of very useful information, including many references to scientific papers. In this paper, you will read about Metabolism, Offspring (DNA, RNA, ...), Structure, and many other things related to the complex concept of life.
I love and hate this kind of articles.
Why love and why hate?
The scientific approaches to understanding the mechanisms are highly appreciated. But, there is a very fundamental concern. This concern is common in many scientific examples. What is that concern?
It is good to make "theories" based on scientific approaches, but it is not right to generalize the results of those theories. We have to comprehend the boundaries of our theories. I am not defending the GOD. He should be able to defend himself. I am talking about the careless generalization of some basic theories. We must know the capacities and boundaries of our theories. Let me give an example that all of us know about it. After Newton, it was thought that we know everything about the universe. Why? Because Newton theories enabled us to predict the motion of the Heavenly objects. For decades it was the dominant stream. But, we now know that was not correct. That theory is a simplified version of something more general and it CANNOT describe everything, even in the solar system.
So, it is good to be curious about everything, ask everything, search for root causes, but keep it in your mind to be scientifically humble. Our theories have limited capacities. They can not solve all the universe problems.
Humbleness is a forgotten concept in public scientific communities, while I believe that those articulated scientists are indeed know about the limitations of their theories. They never have the claim that we are solving all the problems.